Official Community Plan
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Elkford's Official Community Plan Update
The District of Elkford is updating our Official Community Plan (OCP), which serves as our community’s roadmap for the next 20 years. Refreshing the OCP will play an important role in guiding our community’s growth and creating policies that ensure Elkford continues to be a welcoming, active and vibrant place to call home.
What is an OCP?
The OCP is a long-term planning document that outlines the vision, goals, policies and strategies for the future growth and development of a community. It provides direction on topic areas such as land use, infrastructure, transportation, housing, environment, arts and culture, parks and economic development.
Why does the OCP need to be updated?
Now nearly 14 years old, the District’s existing OCP requires updating to align with the community’s current needs and vision for the future. As our community grows and changes, new needs and opportunities arise. By updating the OCP, we can make sure our plans and goals align with what we envision for Elkford today and in the future.
To ensure the new OCP reflects the values and priorities of the community, the District will reach out to community members throughout the project for feedback and input.
Sharing your thoughts, ideas and aspirations will ensure that the new OCP reflects our collective vision for our community and Elkford’s unique identity. Your input is important in defining the vision, policies and strategies for future growth and development in Elkford, including shaping decisions about housing, transportation, parks, infrastructure and more.
We are nearly ready to release the first draft of the updated Official Community Plan. Stay tuned for upcoming engagement events and project milestones!
- July 15, 2024: Draft OCP to be made available on Engage Elkford
- July 22, 2024: Roundtable discussion guides will be made available on Engage Elkford
- September 2024: OCP Open House
- Attend an event to provide input on the draft plan! Stay tuned for more information
- December 2024: OCP Completion
- Finalize and approve the OCP
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Draft Official Community Plan Document

Phase 1: Project Kick-Off
During this phase, we'll create a communications and engagement strategy that ensures all voices are heard throughout the OCP process. An OCP Committee, made up of community members, will be established during this phase, and a meeting will be held with the Committee and Council to kick-off the project.
Phase 2: Understanding Community Issues
In this phase, we'll take a deep dive into reviewing relevant bylaws, policies, studies and plans that relate to the topics in the OCP. This will ensure that we build on work that has already been completed and help us re-imagine how the OCP could be successfully structured and implemented moving forward.
Phase 3: Early Engagement and Visioning
Community members will be encouraged to join us for a fall Family Fun Night and OCP immersion week filled with exciting events and opportunities to provide input. This feedback will help shape the draft vision, guiding principles and policy direction of the OCP.
Phase 4: First Draft of the Official Community Plan
Informed by the feedback collected from the community in Phase 3, the first draft of the OCP will be developed. Both District staff and residents will have the opportunity to provide input, ensuring that the Plan aligns with the community’s vision.
Phase 5: Second Draft of the Official Community Plan
The OCP will be revised based on feedback from the first draft, and a second draft OCP will then be presented to Council and the Committee to share what updates have been made. Communications material highlighting the changes between the first and second draft will be released to the public.
Phase 6: Finalize and Approve the Official Community Plan
The final draft of the OCP will be presented to Council and upon completion of the formal approval process, the OCP will be adopted.
How will this document be used?
The updated Elkford OCP will serve as a guiding document for the District's future development and growth. It will be used by local authorities, planners, developers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about land use, infrastructure, economic development, environmental conservation and community well-being.
Why does the OCP update matter to me?
An OCP holds significant importance as it serves as a roadmap for the future development and expansion of our community. It is important if you want to have your say in the future of Elkford. Here are some more reasons why you should consider participating in the process:
Influence future development: By participating, residents can have a say in shaping the way their community grows, including decisions about housing, transportation, parks, infrastructure and more.
Quality of life: Participating allows residents to advocate for improvements that matter to them, such as preserving green spaces, creating walkable neighbourhoods, or promoting affordable housing options.
Long term impact: The outcomes of the OCP update can shape the community for a long time, and being involved ensures that the community's best interests are considered for years to come.
Community identity: The OCP helps to preserve the community's identity. Residents can contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, landmarks and unique features that make their community special.
How long is the project going to take?
The project kickoff occurred in August 2023 and will take approximately 18 months to complete. We expect the final draft of the OCP to be completed in the fall of 2024 and Council will consider the OCP for adoption in December 2024.
How will residents be engaged during the project?
Residents will be engaged throughout the project through multiple community engagement opportunities. These opportunities include community meetings, workshops, fun family events and surveys. This will allow residents to share their input and concerns, ensuring their ideas influence the OCP update. Please continue to check the project website for future dates and details.
How will my feedback be used during the project?
Your feedback is incredibly valuable throughout the entire OCP update process. Your feedback will allow the District to identify the community priorities, concerns, opportunities and preferences. We will use this input to refine the plan's objectives and strategies, ensuring the updated OCP reflects Elkford residents' vision and needs.
What information will be used to inform the OCP update?
Key information that will inform the OCP update include:
Community context and trends: Current population, economic and demographic trends and the needs and opportunities related to these trends.
Existing plans, strategies and guidelines: Key targets and outcomes from recent planning work the District has already completed (e.g. Downtown Plan, Elkford Flood Projection Study).
Professional expertise: Technical urban planning best practices and economic strategies that are feasible in the District of Elkford.
Public input: Ideas, opportunities and priorities that community members raise during the public engagement events for the project.
Ideas, questions, comments or concerns? Contact us at
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Learn More About Elkford's Official Community Plan
The District’s Official Community Plan (OCP) establishes the long-term vision and goals for the District of Elkford. This foundational document describes the community’s broad objectives around form, character and community life and it reflects the ideas and inputs of participants, including residents, nonprofit groups, stakeholders, experts, District staff and council.
Elkford’s OCP integrates land use, economy, environment, transportation, community facilities, service and climate change. It creates a broad strategy to direct growth and development while protecting and enhancing residents’ current quality of life.
Our OCP is guided by strategic directions:
• A vibrant community
• A sustainable community
• A safe and healthy community
• A community with pride
• An effective and efficient organization
In addition, Elkford OCP is unique as it is the first in B.C. to incorporate both an integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy. Both strategies were developed concurrently with the OCP. Collectively, the policies contained within the OCP are intended to provide a degree of certainty for the future of the community.
Read the District of Elkford Official Community Plan

Development Permit Areas
The OCP also establishes Development Permit Areas for specific properties. If you are interested in developing a property within a Development Permit Area, you will require a development permit before development can move forward and before a building permit can be issued. The OCP includes guidelines for development permit areas that a development must consider before it can be approved.
To determine if you are in a Development Permit Area, visit the District of Elkford’s Webmap Services.
To download an application form, visit the Application Forms & Fees.
For more information on the OCP or Development Permit Areas, contact the Planning & Development Services Department at 250.865.4000 or
NEW: Vision Statement and Guiding Principles Survey
In the fall of 2023, Elkford community members participated in the first phase of the Official Community Plan (OCP) engagement process by sharing your values, priorities and vision for the future. Based on the community’s input, the draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for the OCP were developed. Visit to see the results!
What do you think? We’re seeking your feedback on the proposed Vision Statement and Guiding Principles to ensure they align with the community’s vision for the future of Elkford.
Complete the survey at before the deadline of March 13, 2024. The input you provide through this survey will help guide the OCP update, and we appreciate your participation!