For District of Elkford Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 891, 2023
Pursuant to Section 466 of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 2015, Chapter 1, notice is hereby given that council for the District of Elkford has scheduled a public hearing to hear representations of all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by proposed District of Elkford Zoning Bylaw No. 737, 2013, Amendment Bylaw No. 891, 2023.
Details of the Public Hearing
Time and Date:
June 26, 2023, 4:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, 744 Fording Drive, Elkford, B.C.
How to Attend:
In-person or electronically. Details to attend the meeting electronically can be obtained by emailing info@elkford.ca.
Details of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 891, 2023
Aaron and Tori-Rose Larsen
Applicable Properties:
General Purpose:
This bylaw would permit a two-unit mobile home at 425 Bickford Drive. This would be a site-specific amendment to the R-MH zone to permit a two-unit mobile home at this site only.
This bylaw amendment will:
- Add the following to Section 1.1:
Mobile Home, Two-Unit means a Two-Unit Dwelling, constructed in a factory to CSA Z240MH standards, transported on its own chassis and placed on a permanent foundation complying with the B.C. Building Code if placed in the Mobile Home Housing zone or on a temporary foundation complying with CSA Z240.10.1 Site Preparation, Foundation and Anchoring of Manufactured Homes if placed in the Mobile Home Park Zone, and does not include a Recreation Vehicle.
- Add the following to Section 4.9 (a)
(iii) Two-Unit Mobile Home, placed on a permanent foundation complying with the BC Building Code, limited to:
- Lot 23 District Lot 3512 Kootenay District Plan 13132
- Amending Section 4.9 (a) to read
(vii) Minimum gross floor area for:
- Single-Unit Dwelling or Mobile Home
- Two-Unit Mobile Home
• 85 m2
• 65 m2
It is recommended that any interested parties review the draft bylaw amendment by visiting engage.elkford.ca, contacting info@elkford.ca, or reviewing a copy at the District Office at 744 Fording Drive.
Members of the public may attend the public hearing online by emailing info@elkford.ca for meeting details. If unable to attend the public hearing, persons m6ay submit written comments to P.O. Box 340, Elkford, B.C., V0B 1H0, online at engage.elkford.ca, by email to info@elkford.ca or in person at the District Office at 744 Fording Drive, by no later than noon on June 26, 2023. All submissions will form part of the record of the public hearing.
J. Johnston
Director of Planning and Development Services
June 15, 2023