Mayor's Musings for December 2024—By Steve Fairbairn, Mayor for the District of Elkford

Mayor's Musings for December 2024
by Steve Fairbairn, Mayor for the District of Elkford
‘Tis the Season!
This edition of my Musings will include an early Christmas wish—one of white, soft, fluffy powder snow to ski on, moderate early winter temperatures, safer highways, family gatherings and joyous festivals and soirees!
We are Forging Forward…New CAO, Projects, Advocacy and More!
Our new CAO—Jeff McConnell—is adjusting well to the amazing community that Elkford is, as well as getting to work with the friendly hard-working staff of the District of Elkford. I have been enjoying our time together as he settles into his new role and into our community!
The DoE (okay, grammatically speaking, it isn’t ‘the DoE’, but the organization’s humans) are still searching for a Director of Planning and Development Services to fill the empty seat left by the former Director. As with so many other situations and businesses, recruitment for qualified humans is a challenge. Don’t fret—we will persevere!
On the topic of staffing challenges—staffing is once again becoming an issue at the local clinic. While we don’t have input into how Interior Health and the Elk Valley arm of the organization make their staffing decisions, your council is working hard to create functional, inviting and affordable housing solutions to help draw employees to town.
That big exciting purpose-built rental project that has been awarded to the Elk Valley Family Society to be located across from the nearly finished seniors’ housing facility continues to slowly grind its way through the many-layered bureaucracies that have their toes in the pond—Interior Health, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, B.C. Housing, an election, etc. Know’s who’s not on that bureaucratic list? The District of Elkford! I am proud to say that your council and the entire staff team continue to find creative ways to encourage green tape and not red tape!
Get in the Holiday Spirit!
We hope to see you at upcoming seasonal events, including some long-standing family favourites, and some newer traditions that we are openly embracing! Check out all you need to know at!
Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon
- December 11 at noon (doors open at 11:30 a.m.). And, yep, hard to believe given my young appearance, but alas, I will be there, too!
- I hope to see all residents who are 60 years + join us.
- RSVP by December 3 to 250.865.40210 or
2nd Annual Truck Parade & Tree Light-Up
- December 2
- Parade through town starts at 6 p.m.
- Gathering for the tree light-up after the parade at 7 p.m. at Elkford’s Meeting Place (that’s the gazebo between the District Office and the Community Conference Centre.
- Want to join the parade? Register by December 29. Then, cover your car in Christmas lights, elves, Santas, reindeer…heck, there are no bounds to creativity here! Register at 250.865.4010 or
- Look for a parade map and all the details on our website.
And…don’t forget an Elkford Christmas Eve tradition! The North Pole has confirmed that Santa will be visiting Elkford on December 24. Our Fire Department will be touring Santa around town on the firetruck and collecting cash donations for local food banks. We are still awaiting the details from the North Pole, which will be posted on our Facebook page and website as soon as we receive them!
PSA: It is, in Fact, Winter out There!
I’ll close with a public service announcement: IT’S WINTER OUT THERE! That means snow and ice. On the road. Where you drive. THE LAWS OF PHYSICS STILL APPLY! All those fancy doodads in your car may help you go faster, but the coefficient of friction between you and the ground is lower. Slow down and leave more space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Consider how many months the body shop will take to repair your car—a lot longer than the added time it takes to arrive safely at your destination. Besides, a crash is a lousy way to change someone’s life. Buy them a present they want instead. Leave home 10 minutes earlier and take time to sweep ALL the snow off your car (it is considered an unsecured load and you can be ticketed). As to scraping your windows clean: you wouldn’t have bought the vehicle without windows, why are you driving it with windows covered with ice and snow? Driving your child to school while you can only see out of a small space in the windshield cleared off? Consider the risk that you are putting your child at, as well as the safety of every other child in the school and on the roadway. Plan your morning a little bit better—10 minutes or less is all that it takes to be considerate of other road users.
Sharing some Joy from our Home to Yours!
Yes, the rumours are true: the Fairbairn family has new furry member—a dog (puppy, actually….a large one)! We are totally enjoying her presence in our lives. Thanks to the efforts of Twin Meadows Animal Rescue Society, our home is busier, happier and funnier! Squeaky toys, torn blankets and pillows, random dog toys, and…a vehicle large enough to transport a dog in (how much does pet ownership cost, you ask?). We’d love for you to say hi if you see us out and about!
Now…spread joy, keep warm and enjoy the season: snow blow your neighbour’s berm, shovel their front step, enjoy the Christmas lights and decorations, wear a toque, take out your snowshoes…just do what makes you—and others—smile!
Until next time...
Mayor Steve.