Mayor's Musings for February 2025—By Steve Fairbairn, Mayor for the District of Elkford

Mayor's Musings for February 2025
by Steve Fairbairn, Mayor for the District of Elkford
Thanks for Attending Winter the Wild 2025!
To start with, I hope you all had a fun weekend at the District of Elkford’s Winter in the Wild! It was chilly, but the cold helped to keep the ice sculptures intact, snow on the ground and the sky blue. A huge shout-out and thanks to everyone who made our annual winter festival the success that it was— District staff, community groups, volunteers, sponsors and everyone who joined us to enjoy all that was offered! You are all amazing!
We Care: Please Drive and Walk Safely
Once again, a few words on road safety (no, not my usual “in the end, it’s the driver who is responsible for their decisions” rant). Instead, I’d like to remind all of you intrepid pedestrians who are getting your daily steps in despite the cold (and good on you for it) to please walk on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic, so that you’ll see the vehicle that is approaching you and stay safe. Another pro tip: please consider walking in a single file, especially when the streets are busy with traffic! Motorists: as always, please watch out for—and slow down for—pedestrians!
Eye on the Sky
Those heavy helicopters you may have seen (or heard) flying up in the skies above the Elk Valley are a local impact of the recent border security demands. There isn’t any cause or need for concern.
Snowpack and Wildfire Season
As of February 1, our geographic region (East Kootenay) was listed as having 70 to 79 per cent of average snowpack. West Kootenay, South Thompson, Upper Columbia and the Lower Fraser were all in the same situation (my source for all this info is: [BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, Snow Survey and Water Supply Bulletin – February 1, 2025]). This means we are better off than most places in British Columbia, but perhaps we could still do some more snow dancing to help prepare for the impending wildfire season? It can’t hurt!
Electrifying News!
Elkfordians: don’t be shocked when you see the epic new ice resurfacer at the Elkford Recreation Centre arena! In case you missed Elk Valley Resources’ (EVR) electrifying press release, we have a new Zamboni! And, yes, here comes a battery of puns. 😉
This new electrically powered Zamboni is very much a positive addition to the fleet in Elkford. Donated by EVR, it stands as a testament to their support for Elkford and their commitment to a cleaner, more carbon-neutral future. I don’t see any negatives to this new piece of equipment: with better ice, lower maintenance costs, and no combustion byproducts being put into the air inside the Rec Centre arena, rink-goers can all breathe easier as they enjoy ice skating, hockey and lively social interactions around the rink.
Healthcare Advocacy
You may have heard that Elkford has been chosen as the site for an Urgent Primary Care Centre (UPCC) by Interior Health (IH). With that decision, millions of dollars—literally—are being spent on repairs and alterations to the clinic.
The theory is that with a UPCC in place, there will be spaces allocated for medical professionals other than physicians and nurses in the building to provide services. As a result, fewer Elkford residents should have to travel for care such as counselling, physio, pain management, procedural follow-ups and so on.
As my most recent family doctor is retiring—and I hear of other IH staff members leaving us—there are lots of unanswered questions, and I am sure many of you share the same uncertainties. Will we see a virtual model of healthcare? What about the use of physician assistants to help with services on-site? Could solutions like these potentially help free-up physicians and allow them to see more patients, reduce paperwork and focus their time on more critical medical issues? What hours will the UPCC be open? Will they keep an x-ray department/blood testing services in town? Will there be emergency care in town?
Alas, I am not the subject matter expert on this and cannot provide you with any of these answers. Your council and the District of Elkford have no say in how IH runs their facilities and staff teams. We can, however, advocate for our residents to see increased and improved service levels and staff stability in Elkford—and that is what we are doing and will continue to do!
For now, Elkford, I'll sign off wishing you a wonderful February and reminding you to do your best snow dancing before spring arrives. Look forward to talking again in March!